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Product Configuration

Creating a New Product

Creating a new product in Rational BI involves entering specific details that shape the functionality and presentation of the product to your end users. To begin, navigate to Settings > Products and click the New Product button. You will then need to provide a name and a description for your product. The description provides more space to detail the product’s features or unique selling points. Once you've input this information, click Create to generate the product.

Editing a Product

Each product created is fully editable. Clicking on a product in the list will take you to the product's settings, where you can modify its attributes.

Name and Description

Both the name and the description of your product will be visible to your end users, particularly when they have access to more than one product. In such scenarios, users will be presented with a selection screen where they can choose the product they want to use.

Product Image

Visual appeal is important when presenting your product to users. Rational BI allows you to upload an image for your product. This image will be displayed alongside your product on the jump screen, aiding user recognition and potentially influencing their product selection.

Product Key

Each product is assigned a unique product key. This alphanumeric string simplifies cross-product and cross-account resource referencing. It acts as a shortcut for identifying your product when embedding resources, creating links, or setting up integrations.

Changing Product Key

Though it is possible to change the product key, it should be done sparingly and cautiously. Changing the key can disrupt any references to the product that have been embedded into your code or URLs that have been bookmarked.

Subscription Requirement and Visibility

You have control over whether a subscription is required for your product and whether the product should be visible on the home screen. If the product is set to require a subscription, it must be linked to a product in Stripe, and the customer must have an active recurring subscription to that Stripe product.

Stripe Products

Stripe integration plays a crucial role in handling subscriptions. Each Rational BI product can be associated with a live and a test product ID in Stripe. This dual setup allows you to manage test subscriptions in Stripe, giving you the ability to test and refine user access to your products in Rational.

Reassigning Product Mapping

Keep in mind that reassigning the product mapping in Stripe can have a significant impact on existing users and their access to the associated product. This action should be performed judiciously and only when necessary.

The Stripe prices listed for your product are derived from the prices defined in the linked Stripe products. The context menu can generate a sign-up link for a price, which you can then embed into your sign-up screen.

Test and Live Modes

Be aware of the distinction between test and live modes. If you provide a link to a test product and price, the user will be created as a test user in the system and will be able to use test credit cards. Ensure that your live end users only have access to production Stripe prices.

Default Page

Finally, the product configuration process involves selecting a default page for your product. This page, corresponding to a specific page in your workspace, serves as the starting point for users when they access your product.

Default Page

Assigning a default page is a mandatory step in the product configuration. Failure to designate a default page results in users being directed to an error screen upon accessing your product.